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 Pets :: horses :: Horse health and care 
Whether you are preparing to bathe your horse for the first time, or you're in search of a few new grooming tips, this section is for you...
Care of Older Horses
Thanks largely to progress in veterinary medicine and a better understanding of nutrition, horses can remain healthy and sound well into their late teens and early twenties...
Lameness in Horses
Like dogs and other animals, horses can't talk to us when they hurt. Horses, being prey animals, don't normally make any sounds to show they hurt...
Humane societies that deal with large animals often investigate cases of horses and ponies suffering from untreated chronic laminitis or founder. Laminitis is a painful condition. Best avoided by proper management, if laminitis does strike, veterinary treatment is required...
Parasite Control
Keeping internal parasites under control is an ongoing part of looking after horses. Several different kinds of worms are commonly found in horses, and unless a horse is on a proper deworming program, they can cause serious internal damage before you realize what is happening to your horse...
Riding Lessons are for Everyone
Whether you plan to hit the trails or the show ring this year -- or just hang around home -- why not take some riding lessons?
Shelter and Fencing.
It is necessary to provide strong, safe fencing and adequate shelter for horses. As a rule, horses don't need to be kept in a barn. In fact, stabling is as much for our convenience as the horse's well-being...
Spring Care
The horses are shedding those big winter coats, everything is covered in hair and a horse groomer's best friend is a shedding blade...
Where to Keep Your Horse
When you interact with your horse every day, when you're the one who brings the food, when you can watch your horse just being a horse, you share a deeper understanding...
Winter Care
Horses are well adapted to cold weather. As long as they have shelter from wind and wet, horses can stay comfortable when the temperatures plunge...
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