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 Pets :: birds :: Bird health and care 
Basic disease prevention program
A basic program of Disease Prevention in Commercial Aviaries will be described. Factors considered will include 1) stress, 2) quarantine/acclimation, 3) aviary design, 4) feed/water quality, and 5) miscellaneous. These factors will be discussed from a disease prevention perspective only...
Bathing is very important to the proper maintenance of feathers. Bathing encourages healthy preening or grooming of the feathers. It keeps feathers free of dirt and will help preserve their wonderful, natural luster...
Beak and nail care
Most birds are naturally very active during the day and would normally encounter a huge variety of perching textures and perch sizes in their wild environment. This, along with ordinary preening and grooming, wears the toenails down and helps maintain consistent length and health of the toenails...
Disease transmission
The common ways that disease organisms enter aviaries are by people, equipment, newly introduced birds, pests and stress...
Feather problems
Feather loss is as much of a concern to bird owners as hair loss is to dog and cat owners. The feathers of a bird provide protection, insulation, flight, and visual signals to other pets...
Nursing a sick bird
Many sick birds can be treated by their owners at home. While some birds are gravely ill and require hospitalization, most birds can recover with proper treatment and care at home...
Pet bird care
This article will answer questions and give instructions on how to take care of a pet bird, how to keep your bird healthy with the right food, socialization and care...
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