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 Chordata :: primates 
Chimpanzees are great apes that are closely related to humans. These intelligent primates live in a variety of environments in western and central Africa. Because of the rapid deforestation of their habitats, chimpanzees are an endangered species.
Gibbons are rare, small, slender, long-armed, tree-dwelling apes. These very acrobatic primates live in southeast Asia. Gibbons are arboreal; they spend most of their lives in trees. Because they are so dextrous while moving in the trees, almost no predators can catch them.
Gorillas are large, quiet, gentle apes that live in Africa. Although gorillas are frequently portrayed as aggressive, dangerous killers, they are really shy, peaceful vegetarians. Because of massive loss of habitat, these majestic primates are in great danger of going extinct.
Orangutans are large apes that live in southeast Asia (on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra). These apes mostly live in trees (they are arboreal) and swing from branch to branch using their arms.
Ring Tailed Lemur
Species: Lemur catta. Coat: thick and soft, rosy gray coloring, white underside, ringed tail with alternating white and black bands
The siamang is the largest and darkest species of gibbon. Siamangs are rare, small, slender, long-armed, tree-dwelling (lesser) apes. These very acrobatic primates live in southeast Asia.
The hundredth monkey phenomenon
The hundredth monkey phenomenon refers to a sudden spontaneous and mysterious leap of consciousness achieved when an allegedly "critical mass" point is reached.
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